Wednesday, January 8, 2014

My Experience: Day 1 of My Post Surgery

Good Morning!

So I slept on my recliner at the 45 degree angle I was suppose to. I woke up at 2AM with a very very stiff back! I normally have 3MG melatonin (sleeping) pills on hand since I'm such a light sleeper, I took two and woke up at 630AM still sore but much better. my boobies haven't fallen much but they've filled in just a tiny bit. They're still numb around the nipple area and underneath by my cuts. I'm not sure if they stitched me up? or if they laser-burnt them shut. I'll find out soon though, I want to wait until after my check up today to shower too. 11Am for my check-up appointment. I made myself some breakfast and took my muscle relaxers, since my chest felt tight; my antibiotics, so I don't get any infections; my steroids for my swelling, and I was going to hold out on the pain killers because they knock me out but once I got up and actually started walking around, I needed them... my back was starting to hurt again.they haven't fallen much and I really hope they're not too high. I really trust my doctor so I cant wait to go to my post-op check up today at 1130AM. 
Here are some questions I have on my mind for him, maybe you might have the same on your day?
I wrote down all my questions from:
  • "when can I start driving?" 
  • "when can I start shopping?" 
  • "how long do I wear the sports bra?" 
  • "when can I go to the beach?" 
  • "should I start the 'recommended' massaging techniques so they start to fall and fluff?"
I'm sure I'll have a lot more and I will post again tonight before bed. But for now, I'm resting at my 45 degree angle, which feels really good on my back and chest for now. I lift my arms slowly up over my head ever hour and move by back around every 15 minutes to stretch the back muscles. I mean lets face it, I just added an extra 5 pounds to my front, it will definitely affect my back, ha ha! all of my friends are texting me and wanting to see them but I don't want to show anyone until they're absolutely perfect! (if you know what real woman think, you'll know exactly what I mean about wanting to show them off when theyre perfect) 
So for now, I'm going to rest and wait! keep you fellow woman updated soon!

Before Surgery: 34B

Day 1: Post-Op (450cc High Profile Silicone Implants)

My implants are very high right now, the top cleavage above my ace-bandage are my actual implants. If you look closely, my areola (nipple) is located low almost to the fold of my ace-bandage. 

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